The Negro, in the great World War for Freedom and Democracy, has proved to be a notable and inspiring figure. The record and Emmett J. Scott When war against Germany was declared April 6, 1917, Negro Americans quickly recognized the fact that it was not to be a white man's war, nor a black man's war, but a war of all the people living under the "Stars and Stripes" for the preservation of human liberty throughout the world. Despite efforts of pro-German propagandists to dampen their ardor or cool their patriotism by pointing out seeming inconsistencies between their treatment as American citizens and their expected loyalty as American soldiers, more than one million of them (1,078,331), according to the Second Official Report of the Provost Marshal General, promptly responded to, and registered under the three Selective Service calls. More than 400,000 Negro soldiers (367,710 draftees plus voluntary enlistments and those already in the Regular Army) were called to the colors and offered their lives in defense of the American flag during the recent war. Relative to their population, proportionately more Negroes were "drafted" than was true of white men. The Negro was represented in practically every branch of military service during the Great World War,---including Infantry, Cavalry, Engineer Corps, Field Artillery, Coast Artillery, Signal Corps (radio or wireless telegraphers), Medical Corps, Hospital and Ambulance Corps, Aviation Corps (ground section), Veterinary Corps, and in Stevedore Regiments, Service or Labor Battalions, Depot Brigades, and so forth. Nor was this the first instance in the Nation's history that this ever-loyal racial group rightly and cheerfully responded to the tocsin of war and made a military record of which any race might well be proud. In the Revolutionary War, in the War of 1812, in the Mexican War, in the Civil War, and in the War with Spain , the American Negro soldier has always distinguished himself by bravery, fortitude, and loyalty. His military record has always compared favorably with that of other soldiers. It is because of the immensely valuable contribution made by Negro soldiers, sailors, and civilians toward the winning of the great World War that this volume has been prepared---in order that there may be an authentic record, not only of the military exploits of this particular racial group of Americans, but of the diversified and valuable contributions made by them as patriotic civilians. A notable group of colored Americans, men and women, has joined, me in this effort adequately to present a reliable record of the many services and sacrifices that the Negro race has willingly laid upon the altar of Patriotism. It is a matter of profound satisfaction to have had the earnest cooperation of: CARTER G. WOODSON, A. M., Ph. D., Director of Research, The Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, whose monographs on Negro Life and History appear regularly in the "Journal of Negro History ," the one publication of its kind in America. Dr. Woodson is a graduate of Harvard University , from which he received the degree of Ph. D., and is an authority on Negro History. His cooperation is, therefore, rightly to be prized as bringing to this work an appreciation of historical values. RALPH W. TYLER, accredited Negro War Correspondent, who served overseas, representing the Committee on Public Information. Mr. Tyler had full opportunity at the front to know how colored soldiers acquitted themselves in camps and upon the battlefields of France . His letters and official reports sent to America and published through the Committee on Public Information in various white and colored newspapers of the country contained first-hand information concerning Negro troops overseas, and served to keep up the morale of colored Americans at a time when there was much anxiety and complaint among them. due to the fact that adequate news regarding the treatment and activities of Negro soldiers abroad was not finding its way into the press of the country. WILLIAM ANTHONY AERY, Publication Secretary of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, and MONROE N. WORK, in charge of the Division of Records and Research at Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, both of whom, being connected with the largest industrial schools among colored people in the United States, had full opportunity to observe the conduct and training of Negro soldiers in the various Vocational Detachments, Students' Army Training Corps, and Reserve Officers' Training Corps units; their counsel and data furnished have been of material assistance in the preparation of this volume. MRS. ALICE DUNBAR-NELSON (formerly the wife of Paul Laurence Dunbar, the "Poet Laureate" of the Negro race), who wrote Chapter XXVII, entitled: "Negro Women in War Work." Mrs. Nelson, prominent in educational and literary circles, was actively engaged during the war in helping to mobilize the colored women of the country for effective war work, representing the Women's Division of the Council of National Defense; she traveled extensively in various parts of the country in the effort to promote patriotic activities among the colored women of America, and with eloquent tongue, trenchant pen, and untiring personal service helped them to make a record that will stand forever as a monument to the practical value and absolute dependability of Negro womanhood in a national crisis. MISS EVA D. BOWLES, Executive Secretary in charge of the Colored Young Women's Christian Association, who did a notable piece of work in connection with the War Work Council, not only in the matter of selecting well-trained women to take charge of Hostess Houses that were provided at various camps and cantonments, but in keeping alive the fires of patriotism among the colored women of the country as she went from place to place lecturing and otherwise working for the betterment of social conditions in Army camps and especially in communities adjacent thereto. A full report of the work done by the organization, which this consecrated young woman so worthily represents, is contained in Chapter XXVII, entitled: "Negro Women in War Work." LIEUTENANT T. T. THOMPSON, Personnel Officer and Historian of the 92nd Division, to whom I am especially indebted for a large amount of official data concerning the various activities of this important Divisional unit of the American Expeditionary Forces. Lieutenant Thompson, by training and experience, was well fitted for the exacting post which was held by him as an officer in the U. S. Army and as a chronicler of the activities and operations of the 92nd Division. The material supplied by him and incorporated in Chapters XI and XII must, therefore, be regarded as official, authentic, and reliable. It is the one clear record of the activities of the 92nd Division,---that justly famous military unit composed of American Negro officers and soldiers who served their country so gallantly during the recent war. The data supplied by Lieutenant Thompson has been checked up by various other officers of the 92nd Division, including LIEUTENANT CHARLES S. PARKER, Regimental Adjutant, 366th Infantry, a man of scholarly attainments, judicial poise and clear understanding, and who, also, has supplied definite and important data with reference to the operations of certain Negro units that distinguished themselves by valor when the 92nd Division fearlessly faced the formidable fortress at Metz. It is a matter of great benefit to the Negro Race, and certainly most gratifying to the Author to have had recourse to the official records kept by these colored officers. I am also especially indebted to CAPTAIN JOHN H. PATTON, Regimental Adjutant of the 370th Infantry Regiment, U. S. A. (better known as the Old Eighth Illinois Regiment) which unit actively participated in many a bloody conflict overseas and won imperishable fame. Captain Patton placed at my disposal the full and complete official record of the "Eighth Illinois " (370th) Regiment and it was largely from that record, of undeniable authenticity, that Chapter XV was compiled. Grateful reference must also be made to DR. JESSE E. MOORLAND, International Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association, with Headquarters at Washington, D. C. Dr. Moorland was in charge of all the Y.M.C.A. work conducted among colored soldiers in the various camps and cantonments throughout America as well as overseas, and with a well-selected cabinet of efficient, consecrated young colored men, rendered service of the utmost value in looking after the moral and social welfare of thousands of Negro soldiers who were called to the colors. Each and every Y.M.C.A. Secretary selected for service in camps or cantonments at home or overseas was designated by Dr. Moorland and his large corps of capable helpers cooperated most effectively with the War Work Council. No more notable work was done during the war than that performed by the Young Men's Christian Association among colored soldiers as it received the untutored, untrained and, in many cases unlettered colored men who poured into the various camps, and, largely through the practical help afforded by colored Y.M.C.A. Secretaries, were transformed within a few weeks or months into upstanding, sturdy, forward-looking men. The story of the Y.M.C.A. work among colored soldiers is a story most interesting and worthy of preservation. CAPTAIN E. L. SNYDER, Y.M.C.A. Secretary, who served for a time at Camp Grant with the 153rd Depot Brigade and later upon three battle fronts overseas, has placed the Author and his Race under many obligations for permitting me to use and in securing for use in this volume a large number of very valuable pictures or illustrations contained herein; they indicate the widespread and varied activities of Negro troops in American camps and cantonments and in service overseas. Many of these illustrations were photographed by him at the front---some being photographed while he was in danger of being wounded or killed by flying pieces of shrapnel, while others were secured from the French Official Photographic Division. They show both American Negro and French Colonial troops in action. Most or all of the photographs of colored officers have been supplied by these officers themselves at my special request, and I wish in this way to express to them all my grateful acknowledgment, with my sincere regret that the space devoted to illustrations did not permit the publication of all of the photographs so kindly furnished. Many of these colored officers have furnished me with first-hand information of interest and importance, duly verified by their comrades in arms, setting forth their individual exploits as well as those of the various units with which they were connected. To all of them, and to all others who have aided me in the preparation of this work, I am profoundly grateful. In calling attention to these cooperating agencies, I want especially to pay tribute to my loyal and efficient secretary, Mr. William H. Davis, without whose generous support and valued services it would have been difficult for me to have done this work or to have presented a record of the activities of my office during the period of nearly two years I have been serving in the War Department as Special Assistant to the Secretary of War. Since entering upon the duties of that office, Mr. Davis has given a great deal more than time in supporting my various efforts in behalf of Negro soldiers and in the interest of Negro citizens generally; without regard to recompense and without counting time, strength or anything else except a desire to serve to the uttermost, and I wish in this way and in this place to record my deep indebtedness to him, an indebtedness which must be shared by the Negro people of this country as well, in whose interest and for whose welfare he has served so loyally and unselfishly. I wish also gratefully to acknowledge the help and encouragement I have had from my corps of office assistants, clerks and stenographers, viz.: Mr. R. W. Thompson, Mr. Charles Webb, Mr. J. B. Smith, Mrs. Madeline P. Childs, and Miss Ernestine English. In response to the natural desire and nation-wide demand for an authentic and reliable record of Negro military achievements and other of their patriotic contributions, this volume has been prepared as a lasting tribute to the American Negro's participation in the greatest war in human history. Much of the material, as the reader will note, is based upon first-hand study, official reports and data, and the greatest possible care has been taken in the effort to set forth definitely what has been done---not only by black men in America but by those other brave black soldiers of Africa (Senegalese, Soudanese, and Algerians) who served with the Allies and who rendered such timely and valuable service,--in helping to save to the casket of Freedom the precious jewel of Human Liberty! Washington , D. C.,
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